Business Survey

The purpose of this survey is to help us learn more about the needs , concerns and preferences of your business in order to provide matching resources that will improve and grow it in ways that matter to you. All Participants will be entered in a draw and the winner will get a $50 gift card to dine in one of the restaurants listed on our CEREN business directory 

Get Started:

What is your business name? *
Email *

1. Business structure

1.1 What type of business structure do you currently operate under? *
1.2 Do you know the advantages and disadvantages of your current business structure? *

2. Access to capital for your business

2.1  What are your challenges accessing capital for your business? *
2.2 Please select the channel(s) you currently use to access additional funding for your business *

3. Mastery of the Tax Declaration System

3.1 Do you file your business tax yourself? *
3.2 Do you understanding the tax code applicable to your business?

4. Sales

4.1 How do you currently attract customers?   *
Other, list them:
4.2 What strategies do you use to increase sales and customer satisfaction? *
Other, list them:

5. Management

5.1 What areas of management do you find most challenging? *

6. Technology

6.1 Do you use technology tools or software  to manage your business? *
6.2 Do you believe technology could further facilitate tasks and
increase bottomline? *

7. Method of Recruiting and Finding the Right Staff

7.1  How do you currently recruit and hire employees for your business? *
7.2 What challenges do you face in finding the right staff for your business needs? *
If Yes, list them:

8. Staff Training

8.1 Do you provide training and development opportunities for your employees? *
8.2 How do you attract and retain your employees? *

9. Opportunities with Government Agencies 

9.1 What government opportunities are you interested to learn more about? *

10. Business Expansion 

10.1 Have you considered scaling your business through franchising? *
10.2 Are you interested to learn more about franchising ? *
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